Jonas Pauly
Senior Investment Manager, Henkel Tech Ventures

Professional Background
Business Psychology and European Business.
Jonas’ thoughts about chemstars.nrw
“We need more high quality innovations in Europe coming from startups in the field of chemistry. NRW is a great place to establish an ecosystem – where bright minds connect and flourish to bring meaningful technologies to life. chemstars is leading this ecosystem with its unique offerings and its broad network of experts!”
What are the values that drive you?
Entrepreneurship and Collaboration.
How would you like to support the chemstars startups?
We at Henkel support young chemistry-related startups with our expertise and market access in the field of advanced materials. I personally want to contribute with my knowledge, network and entrepreneurial mindset to help founders succeed on their journey.
What’s the single most important piece of advice that you can give founders?
Collaborate and seek support – you are not alone!
What’s the one thing founders should always keep in mind?
There is no scientific right or wrong when initiating and leading a startup company – it’s a journey with many ups and downs. So enjoy the ride and don’t lose sight of your vision.
What’s your vision for chemstars.nrw?
Become THE place to be for chemistry startups – ideally even beyond NRW. Think big.